Saturday, December 10, 2005

The book by Chuang Tzu-- also titled as such-- is considered to be the second most revered text in Taoism, next to Tao Te Ching. It is said to have influenced and inspired many haijins, including Matsuo Basho. Following is a haiku by this master haijin, directly referring to a famous story from the book. (Thanks to Robert Wilson, owner and manager of Simply Haiku e-magazine, for supplying this information.)

You, the butterfly;
me, Chuang Tzu . . . but who's which
in my dreaming heart?

Matsuo Basho

In the new issue of Simply Haiku, Ka Robert (as we usually call Mr. Wilson) interviews the author of "Basho and The Dao", Professor Peipei Qiu. Her book addresses the influence of the Zhuangzi on Basho and his contemporaries.

Now, here's my own Chuang Tzu-inspired haiku:

tell me, skull,
between us
who is happy?


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